
Godin, Moeder, Aarde, Lug!

Ons roep na Jou in die

stuwende see, in die

tierende watervalle - ons vind

Jou in die naghemel

in die sterre en die maan -

ons vol Jou teenwoordigheid in die

ritme van ons liggame

in die laagwater en die hoogwater

in die golfgetye van

moedeskoot waters - ons ken

Jou op die bergspitse,

In die valleie en riviere,

tussen die heilige bome,

saam met die diere en

die voels, die slange en

die visse - ons sien Jou

in die sneeudrifsels, die

oker grasvelde, die groen

rivieroewers, en die blou oggend lig.

Ons vereer hierdie liggaam

wat ons verbind aan Jou Heilige Wese.


Goddess, Mother, Earth, Sky!

We call to You in the

surging seas, in the

raging waterfalls - we find

You in the night sky,

in the stars and the moon -

we sense Your presence in the

rhythms of our body,

in the ebb and flow,

the tidal waves of

uterine fluids - we know

You on the mountain tops,

in the valleys and rivers,

in the sacred groves,

among the beasts and

birds, the snakes and

fishes - we see you

in the snowdrifts, the

ochre savanna, the green

riverbanks, and the blue morning light.

We honor this body

that connects us to Your Sacred Being.

-Majak Bredell 

  • Majak Bredell
  • multiple plate etching with inscribed poem
  • Default Inscription
  • Sheet Size: 50 x 33.25 centimeters
  • Sold